Join us for Sask DLC's Terry Fox Run

We will walk for the cure September 19 at 11:00 a.m.

We will collect donations until September 20.

Sask DLC will once again be participating in the annual Terry Fox run! We invite everyone to #TryLikeTerry #NoMatterWhat by walking to raise awareness for cancer research. To learn more about Terry Fox and his incredible accomplishments for bringing hope and health to millions of Canadians, click here.

How Can You Participate?


Sask DLC raised $1,025.00 for the fight against cancer!

Thank You to everyone who donated and supported our school fundraiser!

Join a Sask DLC Walk
Thur. Sept, 19 at 11:00 a.m.

Kenaston Campus walk
408 5 Ave, Kenaston

LaRonge Campus walk
Northern Lights School division parking lot
108 Finlayson Street

Moose Jaw campus walk
Burger Cabin in Wakamow
355 River Dr, Moose Jaw

Saskatoon Campus walk
Rotary Park, 310 Saskatchewan Crescent E

Swift Current Campus walk
198 1 Avenue NE, Swift Current

Join a Community Walk / Run

Although we'd love to have you on Sask DLC's walk / run, we understand you may want to take part in a closer community's event.

Community Terry Fox walk

Terry Fox Kid's Corner Activities

If you can't participate in the walk there are still many options for you to be involved. Check out the colouring pages, virtual classroom, crafts, dancing, dot-to-dot, Terry trivia and scavenger hunts.

Saskatchewan Distance Learning Centre provides Kindergarten to Grade 12 courses to Saskatchewan students who choose to study online. We empower students and families to choose the learning environment that works best for them, while supporting their graduation plan.

